
Your property donation has the power to save lives.
hands holding out a small model house to another pair of hands

Interested in making a gift of real estate?

A gift of real estate can offer many benefits. Provide some information on the real estate you have in mind and we will contact you to discuss whether making a gift of real estate is the right options for you!

Your Property Can Support Our Lifesaving Mission

Donating real estate – such as a personal residence, 农场, or commercial property – helps us advance our mission for years to come while also benefiting you. There are several options for donating property, each with unique advantages and benefits.


好处 of donating your property to the 美国心脏协会 may include:

  • Improving liquidity by eliminating expenses normally associated with property ownership (real estate taxes, 维护成本, 保险, 等.)
  • Receiving an immediate income tax deduction based on the fair market value of the real estate on the date the ownership is transferred.
  • 如果房产已经升值, avoid 100% of the capital gains tax owed if you sold the real estate.


  • Income-producing properties such as a rental home, vacation property, or commercial real estate
  • 农场及农业用地
  • 个人居住


There are several options available when considering a gift of real estate. Each has unique advantages and will depend on your personal circumstances, 你的目标, and the type of real estate that you own.


An outright gift of real estate transfers full ownership of the property to the 美国心脏协会 immediately. If you 捐赠 real estate that you have owned for longer than one year, you qualify for a federal income tax deduction equal to the property’s full fair market value. You also bypass capital gains tax on its appreciation.


You can 捐赠 real estate to fund a charitable gift annuity and receive dependable income for life in exchange for your gift.


You can 捐赠 appreciated real estate, 前提是它没有抵押, to a charitable remainder unitrust or annuity trust, in exchange for an income stream for life or a term of up to 20 years.


Donating appreciated real estate to a charitable lead or annuity trust can be a way for you to support the 美国心脏协会 while transferring appreciated real estate to your family tax-free.


A retained life estate gift allows you the opportunity to gift your real estate while retaining full use of the property for the rest of your lifetime. 以换取你不可挽回的礼物, you receive an immediate income tax deduction based on a percentage of the property’s value. Because you maintain control of the property, you continue to be responsible for property taxes and 维护成本. At the end of your lifetime, the association assumes control of the property.

Gift of 房地产 in Your Will or Trust

Leaving your property to the association in your will or trust is one of the simplest ways to make an impact on our mission and to create a personal legacy.



“I had a home in Florida and I wasn’t living in it anymore. I didn’t want to go through the hassle of selling it. By donating it to the 美国心脏协会, they get the benefits from it now. I chose to give it to the 美国心脏协会 because of the work I've done with them in the past. My wish is to educate the public on healthy aging, lifestyle and prevention without total reliance on medications.”



Download our one-page guide to making a gift of real estate.


If you have questions about how to make a gift of real estate, 或者哪种策略可能适合你, please provide some information and we will contact you.