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The future of 心脏衰竭 treatment lies in what's known as precision medicine, according to a new report that seeks to guide doctors along this medical frontier.

心力衰竭是一种慢性疾病, progressive condition in which the heart muscle is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body's needs for blood and oxygen. 精准医学关注的是基因的个体差异, 新陈代谢和其他因素提供量身定制的治疗.

Such an approach could identify people more likely to develop 心脏衰竭 and pinpoint which medications and other therapies could be most effective. 该报告描述了基因的变化, 血液中的生物标志物, or bacteria in the gut can predict the risk of 心脏衰竭 and how a person may respond to treatments.

The guidance was published Thursday as an 美国心脏协会 scientific statement in the journal 循环:基因组和精准医学.

6人以上.5 million people in the United States have 心脏衰竭; 1 million new cases are diagnosed annually, 根据声明.

医生已经在常规使用精准医疗的某些方面. 例如, the blood level of a biomarker called B-type natriuretic peptide indicates whether 心脏衰竭 is worsening or if treatments are working. It also can help determine whether symptoms such as shortness of breath are because of 心脏衰竭 or something else.

"The use of biomarkers is probably the most advanced aspect of precision medicine currently used in the treatment of 心脏衰竭," Dr. Sharon Cresci, chair of the statement writing group, said in a news release.  She is associate professor of medicine and genetics at Washington University in St. 路易. “其他大多数公司仍处于起步阶段, and we hope in the future to combine multiple aspects of precision medicine to improve patient care and outcomes."

Medications have improved the prognosis for people with 心脏衰竭 in recent decades. Cresci解释, "Major clinical trials often treat large numbers of patients with one medication, 如果结果是阳性的, the use of that medication is likely to be incorporated into guidelines for treatment."  

但这种一刀切的方法有其局限性. Cresci said that within a large group of clinical trial participants, 有些人通常没有反应或有副作用. "Precision medicine approaches can help us identify who those non-responders or adverse responders are likely to be so we can find different treatment options for them,她说.

To do this, it is important that clinical trials enroll a diverse group of participants, she said. "People with different racial and ethnic ancestry have different genetic variants. Therefore, they may not have the same response to a medication or other treatment."

The promise of precision medicine also hinges on infrastructure, Cresci said. “我们需要对临床医生进行专门培训, processes for sharing information across large databases and guarantees for patient privacy."

不过, 她补充说, "It's exciting to realize the potential lifesaving innovations on the horizon through precision medicine."

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