


Lack of access to quality housing can be a steady stressor that increases the risk factors for 心脏病s, 中风和其他心血管疾病, 根据一份新的报告.

"Chronic housing insecurity may impact a person's ability to eat properly, 获得高质量的睡眠, 安排定期的医疗护理或按处方支付费用,《沙巴足球体育平台》, chair of the writing group for the 美国心脏协会 scientific statement, 在沙巴足球体育平台发布会上说. The work – a review of the current research on housing's impact on cardiovascular disease – was published Wednesday in the AHA's journal 循环:心血管质量和结果.

"These factors all contribute to inadequate treatment to reduce cardiovascular risk factors such as high 血压, 高胆固醇和吸烟, and to the greater likelihood of having a cardiovascular event such as a 心脏病 or stroke,西姆斯说。, a professor at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson. 他还担任杰克逊心脏研究的首席科学官, the largest research project to date looking at the causes of cardiovascular diseases in African Americans.

人们被认为无家可归, 由联邦政府定义, 如果他们住在街上, 连续租客是经常搬家的人吗, 或者暂时住在旅馆里, 无家可归者的庇护所或与朋友.

"The disparities in cardiovascular health among people who are homeless and marginally housed are largely due to psychosocial stressors, unhealthy behaviors used as coping mechanisms and barriers to health care, 包括在这个人群中缺乏保险和污名化,西姆斯说.


– 60% of their cardiovascular disease-related deaths are caused by smoking

– 25% report recent cocaine use, which increases risk of 心脏病

– 25% have mental illness, which may contribute to delayed diagnosis and fragmented medical care

Poor quality of housing, residential segregation and bias contribute to the problem.

正在恶化的房屋, that don't heat or cool well or leave residents exposed to pollutants such as mold, 铅或二手烟会影响心血管疾病的风险. 改善空气质素, reducing dampness and living in a comfortable temperature have been shown to lower 血压.

Studies have found that adults who live in older public or low-income housing are more likely to have heart disease. 不合标准的生活条件影响心理健康, which also has been linked with heart and blood vessel health in both children and adults.

Residential segregation by race and ethnicity as well as gentrification – when more affluent people renovate in neighborhoods and displace lower-income residents – also can make it harder to find affordable, 高质量的住房.

The scientific statement looked at how the 2007-2010 foreclosure crisis was associated with poorer heart health, 它突出了种族差异. Hispanics in areas at risk for foreclosure had higher rates of high 血压 and high cholesterol. Foreclosures also were associated with higher rates of 心脏病s and strokes among middle-aged Black residents.

"Neighborhood environments are strong predictors of cardiovascular health and well-being,西姆斯说. "Studies have consistently shown that individuals residing in economically distressed neighborhoods with high poverty and unemployment rates have a higher incidence of cardiovascular risk factors, 包括肥胖, diabetes, 高血压和心脏病, and higher risk of stroke and death from a cardiovascular disease such as 心脏病s, strokes, 心力衰竭和其他."

The way neighborhoods are designed even has an impact, the report said.

Walkability and access to healthy food options are tied to body mass index, 血压, 2型糖尿病和一系列心脏病的危险因素叫做 代谢综合征. 研究表明,社区绿化水平很高, 或植被, 与较低的2型糖尿病发病率有关吗, 心脏病, 冠状动脉疾病和心力衰竭.

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