Major life events could mean less physical activity – leading to poorer heart health


Raphye Alexius/图片来源,Getty Images
(Raphye Alexius/图片来源,Getty Images)

人生的重要里程碑——比如开始一所新学校或一份新工作, 结婚, having children or retiring – often lead to a drop in physical activity levels that could harm heart health, 一份新的科学报告警告说.

People and their health care professionals should pay closer attention to periods of transition to prevent an increase in sedentary behaviors, according to the scientific statement published Wednesday in the 美国心脏协会 journal 循环.

"Physical activity is an important heart-healthy behavior and too much sitting and inactivity is not good for you,写作小组主席Abbi D. Lane-Cordova在沙巴足球体育平台发布会上说. Lane-Cordova is an assistant professor in exercise science at the Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carolina in Columbia.

“现在这是一个特别重要的话题,因为, 除了生活中的其他重大沙巴体育平台点击进入, the COVID-19 pandemic is another disruption of everyone's daily routines and activity levels,她说.

Federal physical activity guidelines call for 150 minutes or more of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week for adults, 或者两者的结合. Recommendations for adults also include muscle strengthening activities at least twice a week. Children and adolescents should get 60 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day. 但根据疾病控制和预防中心的数据, only 1 in 5 teens and 1 in 4 adults meet these goals on a regular basis.

Research shows they are even less likely to do so during major life events and transitions.

The new statement's writing group reviewed research on physical activity levels during 17 of life's milestones and transitions and found activity levels dropped during nine of them. 其中包括进入一所新学校——即使是小学, 中间, high school or college – and starting a new job or making a career change. 人们在结婚或怀孕后搬家的次数也减少了, 成为父母, 退休或进入长期护理机构.

没有确凿的证据, 然而, 其他生活沙巴体育平台点击进入——比如失业或失去配偶, getting divorced or getting remarried – led to a drop in physical activity levels.

The statement also identified groups of people that research showed most need physical activity support during life transitions. These included people with lower levels of education; people from sexual or gender minority groups; Black people; and women during pregnancy and parenthood.

The statement also identified a wide range of factors influencing young people's ability to stay physically active, such as neighborhood crime rates and proximity to school or recreational facilities.

因为久坐行为可能是心血管疾病的危险因素, the statement recommends health care professionals talk with their patients about ways to stay active during major life changes and provide guidance. 它建议利用社区资源, such as those provided by faith-based organizations and encouraging the use of tools such as step-counting devices.

Periods of transitions are "often a time when exercise is most needed," Lane-Cordova said. “人们有很多方法可以做到这一点. 他们可以计划包括锻炼在内的家庭活动, use free videos or websites to exercise at home or take standing breaks while at work. The most important things are to be aware of the positive health and cardiovascular impact of physical activity and make the effort to get moving."

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