

Ponomariova_Maria/iStock via Getty Images
(Ponomariova_Maria/iStock via Getty Images)


今天, that musical advice could be the anthem for self-care – the act of making our own health and well-being a priority. 虽然它可能包括踢掉鹅卵石, 正如二人组合的《沙巴足球体育平台》所暗示的那样。,“良好的自我保健涵盖的远不止这些.

“这是一种全方位的健康。. 海伦Lavretsky, a professor in residence in the department of psychiatry at the University of California, 洛杉矶. “精神, 物理, 精神上的, 情感, environmental and societal – self-care should address most of these components."

但自我保健往往被排在优先列表的最后. 专家说,它应该是最重要的.

"Many times, people feel self-care is selfish and you're indulging yourself," said Dr. 拉克斯梅塔, who co-wrote an opinion letter from the 美国心脏协会 and other cardiology groups about physician well-being and the importance of preventing burnout. Mehta is faculty director of the Gabbe Health and Well-Being program and section director of preventive cardiology and women's cardiovascular health at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus.

你一点也不自私,她说. "You're staying healthy so you can do all the things you want to do in your life."

Lavretsky同意. “这不是奢侈品,而是必需品,”她说.

The doctors offered these steps anyone can take to better manage their overall well-being.


“第一步是倾听你身体的需求,”Lavretsky说. “在西方社会,我们被教导可以永远空着跑. 我们不听从身体的声音,就会患上慢性疾病. 你听你的车说话,因为它坏了就跑不动了. 我们的身体不会这样做."

这并不意味着如果你感到不舒服就去看医生. It includes getting regular health and wellness exams to check blood pressure, 胆固醇和血糖水平, 梅塔说. “了解这些数字并采取行动."


“锻炼是关键,”梅塔说. “它不仅有助于身体健康,也有助于精神健康."

联邦体育活动指南 call for at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic activity, 或者两者的结合. 该指南还不鼓励人们久坐.

梅塔说:“如果你每天坐8到10个小时,那就不好了。. “安排好起床走动的沙巴足球体育平台."

根据 疾病控制和预防中心, 保持身体活动可以帮助人们思考, 学习, 解决问题,保持更好的情绪平衡. 如果在忙碌的一天中安排有规律的锻炼是困难的, 疾控中心建议短途散步, dancing in your home and doing squats or marching in place during commercial breaks while watching television.

研究表明 moving for just three minutes once an hour can help keep blood glucose levels under control.


“饮食很重要,梅赫塔说, so eat healthy foods and avoid sugary beverages that can affect mood as well as 物理 well-being.

A Mediterranean-style eating pattern is among those supported by the AHA and federal dietary guidelines. 它包括很多水果, 蔬菜, 全谷物, 豆子。, 坚果, 种子和橄榄油以及少量到适量的乳制品, 鸡蛋, 鱼和家禽. This eating pattern is associated with overall better heart and brain health.

If finding the time to shop and cook meals during the work week is a challenge, Mehta suggests planning on the weekends and prepping items that can be eaten throughout the week.


沙巴足球体育平台专注于呼吸可以降低压力水平, 心率和血压, Lavretsky说, 谁教呼吸技巧作为她练习的一部分. "Even one minute of breathing gets you out of stress overdrive and into a more reflective and controlled state,她说. “你会做出更明智的决定,不会有下意识的反应. 这是一种自我调节的工具,对自我照顾有好处."

Lavretsky teaches a technique called "box breathing" that involves breathing in for three seconds, 屏住呼吸三秒钟, exhaling for three seconds and pausing for three more seconds before taking the next breath.

Tai chi, yoga and meditation all help people focus on their breathing, 梅塔说. But simply taking a few minutes each day to take a few deep breaths will help.


“没有. 要避免的一件事就是吸烟。. 它是美国可预防性死亡的主要原因.S. and is a major risk factor for numerous chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke and cancer.


“什么都不要过量,”Lavretsky说. That includes not eating too much, drinking too much alcohol or caffeine or working too much. 暴饮暴食似乎是权宜之计, 她说, “但他们永远不会让任何人快乐."

梅塔说,不要在社交媒体上花太多沙巴足球体育平台. “如果你有沙巴足球体育平台做这些,你当然就有沙巴足球体育平台给自己."


The AHA recently added sleep duration – from seven to nine hours a night for most adults – to its list of key measures for good heart health, 被称为 生活的真谛. 这份清单还包括不吸烟, 健康饮食, 进行足够的体育活动,保持血压, 重量, 胆固醇和血糖水平在正常范围内. 这份清单还包括不吸烟, 健康饮食, 进行足够的体育活动,保持血压, 重量, 胆固醇和血糖水平在正常范围内.

"Sleep is critical to being in your best 物理 and mental health," 梅塔说.


“每天至少花五分钟做快乐的事情,拉夫列茨基说, who asks her patients to also practice gratitude every morning when they wake up. “关注你所拥有的,而不是你所没有的."

Research shows happiness and having a positive attitude can lead to healthier behaviors and a longer, 健康的生活.


“你不必等到精疲力竭,”拉夫列茨基说. “你不需要等到心脏病发作才开始练习瑜伽."

美国心脏协会 沙巴足球体育平台' mental health coverage is supported by Diane and Daniel Shimer. AHA沙巴足球体育平台对所有内容和编辑决定全权负责.

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