
美国心脏协会沙巴足球体育平台,Michael Merschel报道

Donald M. 芝加哥市政厅公寓大厅里的贝尔. (Photo courtesy of Donald M. Bell)
Donald M. 芝加哥市政厅公寓大厅里的贝尔. (Photo courtesy of Donald M. Bell)

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The ways Donald M. Bell and his Chicago neighbors connect with one another are as simple as they are significant.

"We have certain rituals that pull certain clumps of people together," said Bell, 73. 有时是为了看《沙巴足球体育平台》(Jeopardy)节目!“在他们高级公寓楼的社区活动室里. Other times, they make meals for each other, because cooking for one can be hard, but sharing is easy.

They watch one another's pets and accompany each other on visits to the doctor and check in on their neighbors after medical procedures – such as the triple-bypass surgery Bell had about six years ago.

这种行为对任何年龄的人都是有益的. 但作为该市首个对lgbtq友好的老年住房开发项目的居民, Bell and his neighbors have had to overcome years of obstacles to be able to forge those connections.

“我们试图向对方表明我们很重要, after a lifetime of being told, 'You don't matter,'" Bell said.

研究表明,社会关系有助于保护健康. But the lack of such connections – social isolation – has been associated with increased risk of premature death from all causes, according to a 2020 report 由国家科学院、工程院和医学院提供. And poor social relationships have been associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

"We're social animals," said Dr. Benji Laniakea, an assistant professor in the LGBTQ+ clinical program at the Stanford University School of Medicine in Palo Alto, California. "We're wired to be together, to be able to talk to each other, to communicate to each other, to be with each other."

但研究表明,LGBTQ人群更有可能说他们很孤独. Laniakea说,有几个因素使老年LGBTQ人群面临更高的孤立风险. 许多人被亲生家庭所回避,或者因为艾滋病失去了朋友. And societal discrimination might have interfered with opportunities to meet a life partner.

根据LGBTQ+老年人倡导和服务组织SAGE的说法, older LGBT people are more likely to be single and live alone and less likely to have children than their heterosexual peers, 剥夺了他们潜在的照顾来源. 许多人在寻求帮助时害怕受到歧视. "Some of our LGBTQ+ adults have had to go back into the closet in order to get care at a care facility," Laniakea said.

但社会孤立不仅仅是老年人的问题. 青年依靠许多不同的支持系统——家庭, schools, clubs, 宗教组织来塑造他们的自我价值感, said Jonathan Garcia, 他是科瓦利斯俄勒冈州立大学的副教授, 在那里他是Hallie E. 福特健康儿童和家庭中心.

For LGBTQ teens, 那些本应安全的空间可能会成为拒绝的来源, 欺凌和反复告诉他们不属于这里. "So they don't feel like they can gain the support that they need in the places where they need it the most," Garcia said.

Social isolation among LGBTQ youth has been associated with problems such as depression, substance abuse and suicide attempts. Garcia led a review on the effects of social isolation and connectedness in LGBTQ youth that was published in 2019 in Global Public Health. He said the problem can be compounded in youth who also are members of marginalized racial or ethnic groups, who might feel isolated from families and religious institutions because of their orientation and shut out from LGBTQ groups when they experience racism.

Laniakea说,COVID-19大流行加剧了许多与隔离有关的问题. Adults who were just coming out were cut off from opportunities to connect with the LGBTQ world, while "for LGBTQ youth, 尤其是那些可能还没有向家人出柜的人, 这意味着要回到壁橱里去."

Laniakea说,LGBTQ人群总是不得不寻找建立社区的方法. 这是同性恋权利时代最著名的历史沙巴体育平台点击进入, the 1969 Stonewall Uprising, 是关于集会不受警察骚扰的权利吗. And there is a strong tradition of forming a "chosen family" among people who might have been cut off from the ones who raised them. "These connections that are found in someone who really sees you for who you are can be just as strong as biological family sometimes," Laniakea said.

和热情好客的人在一起对健康至关重要, Laniakea said, by providing an understanding, 从个人侮辱和反lgbtq言论中解脱压力的避难所. 肯定的人会发出“你是有效的”的信息, 你的性别和你的生活方式是合理的, that you are not hurting anybody else by existing in a way that is true to yourself."

Garcia, 她领导了一项关于在西班牙裔LGBTQ青年中建立社区项目的研究, 社会作为一个整体有责任解决孤独的原因.

“社会孤立不是个人失败的结果,”他说. “这不仅仅是个人的经历. 这是体制压迫的结果."

Volunteer work can be a way to both meet people and build community, Garcia and Laniakea suggested. "That in itself allows people to become useful and serve the community," Garcia said. “它解决了孤立问题,但也解决了一些系统性问题."

想要成为LGBTQ盟友的人可以通过支持来提供帮助 性别和性联盟网络 (formerly known as gay-straight alliances) and things such as school anti-bullying policies, which have been shown to reduce harm from social isolation and risk of attempting suicide.

盟友也可以陪伴某人参加LGBTQ社区团体, Laniakea said, 因为第一次一个人去任何地方真的会让人望而生畏, regardless of your age."

贝尔——他认为自己是同性恋或爱同性的人, 同时也是两个孩子的父亲和第三代芝加哥非洲人, Indigenous and Scots-Irish heritage – has a community built into the Town Hall Apartments, the LGBTQ-friendly development created in a renovated police station not far from Wrigley Field.

He realizes that having space for a few dozen people in a city where tens of thousands identify as LGBTQ is far from a solution. But he's grateful for it.

The residents look out for each other, he said, "with the recognition that this is essential."

Born in 1949, he lived through an era when "there were no out places and safe places. No places like this," where he and his friends can share a joke without having to explain the context, 或者只是放松警惕,做自己. 他说,在这个地方,“你会被告知你很重要."

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