Marijuana use linked to higher risk of heart attack and stroke

By American Heart Association News

(American Heart Association)
(American Heart Association)

Using cannabis – either by smoking, 食用或吸电子烟可能会增加心脏病发作和中风的风险, new research suggests.

Survey respondents who said they use cannabis, or marijuana, 无论他们是否使用烟草制品或是否有其他潜在的心血管风险因素,患心血管疾病的风险都更高, the study found. The research 这项研究于周三发表在《沙巴体育平台点击进入》上.

"Despite common use, little is known about the risks of cannabis use and, in particular, the cardiovascular disease risks," lead study author Dr. Abra Jeffers said in a news release. 杰弗斯是波士顿马萨诸塞州总医院的一名数据分析师. “人们对吸食大麻有害的认识正在下降, 人们并不认为使用大麻对健康有害."

In addition, she said, “吸食大麻——主要的使用方法——可能会造成额外的风险,因为吸入的是颗粒物."

近几十年来,美国吸食大麻的人数显著增加.S.在美国,大麻的娱乐用途已在24个州和哥伦比亚特区合法化. In 2019, a federal survey 报告显示,超过4800万12岁及以上的人至少吸食过一次大麻,几乎是2002年的两倍. On the federal level, marijuana use remains illegal.

先前关于大麻使用与心脏病发作或中风之间关系的研究由于几个原因而受到限制. The number of people who smoke marijuana frequently is relatively low, 大多数研究都是在心血管疾病风险较低的年轻人群中进行的, and many people who use marijuana also use tobacco products, making it difficult to look at the effects of marijuana independently.

In the new study, 研究人员分析了美国疾病控制与预防中心对434人的调查数据,104 U.S. adults from 2016 to 2020. 他们调查了过去30天内使用大麻的天数是否与自我报告的心血管结果有关, including coronary heart disease, heart attacks and strokes, 在普通成年人和从未吸烟或使用电子烟的人群中. 研究人员还调查了55岁以下的男性和65岁以下的女性患心脏病的风险.

任何大麻的使用都与心脏病发作和中风的高风险有关, but people who used it most frequently had the highest odds. 每天吸食大麻的成年人患心脏病的几率比不吸食大麻的人高25%,患中风的几率比不吸食大麻的人高42%. 吸烟是吸食大麻最常见的方式,其次是吃大麻或吸大麻.

Among men under 55 and women under 65, 吸食大麻导致患冠心病的总几率增加36%, heart attack or stroke, regardless of whether they also used tobacco products. 即使研究人员只研究那些从未使用过烟草产品或电子烟的人,患病几率也更高.

"Cannabis smoke is not all that different from tobacco smoke, except for the psychoactive drug: THC versus nicotine," Jeffers said. “我们的研究表明,吸食大麻有很大的心血管风险, just like smoking tobacco. This is particularly important because cannabis use is increasing, and conventional tobacco use is decreasing."

Dr. Robert L. Page II,他是2020年美国心脏协会写作小组的主席 scientific statement on marijuana's effects on cardiovascular health, 在发布会上说,新的发现应该是“对所有从业者的行动呼吁”,关于“潜在的危险组合”." Page is a professor of clinical pharmacy, 奥罗拉科罗拉多大学医学院斯卡格斯药学院的医学和物理医学. He was not involved in the new study.

“随着大麻在美国的合法使用和获取的持续增长.S., 从业者和临床医生需要记住评估大麻使用在每个病人遇到为了有一个客观判断, 关于潜在心血管风险和降低这些风险的方法的共同决策对话," Page said.

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