Heart disease doesn't have to keep you from donating blood

By Joyce Tsai, American Heart Association News

Vladimir Vladimirov/E+ via Getty Images
(Vladimir Vladimirov/E+ via Getty Images)

因为血液中心和医院的血液供应严重不足, 许多患有心脏病的人可能想知道他们是否可以通过捐赠来帮助他们.

For the most part, they can do so safely, experts say.

Typically, someone in the U.S. 由于手术等原因,他每两秒就要输血一次, cancer treatments, childbirth, anemia, serious injury or blood disorders.

In fact, 潜在献血者中有医疗病史的人数量惊人, including heart disease, who remain steadfast in their desire to give blood, said Dr. 阿尔辛达·弗劳尔斯是密尔沃基一家血液中心Versiti的医疗主管.

“他们通常是想要献血的人,因为他们在医院里,他们自己也受到了血液需求的影响," she said. "And they can empathize with others."

在美国,每年捐献的全血超过1100万单位.S., according to the Food and Drug Administration. However, only about 3% of eligible individuals donate blood, says the American Red Cross, 在献血者数量达到20年来的最低水平后,该机构在1月份报告了紧急血液供应短缺. 冬季风暴和COVID-19病例的激增可能会进一步扰乱供应.

FDA监管血液制品的安全性主要是为了保护接受血液的人, and donation requirements may vary at blood centers.

血液中心通过问卷调查来筛选所有潜在的献血者,以确定哪些人可以安全献血, Flowers said.

According to the National Institutes of Health, 感冒或流感患者在症状消失48小时后才能献血, with different limitations for COVID-19 and other conditions.


In addition, most people with high blood pressure, or hypertension, 在献血时,如果他们的收缩压(上值)低于180毫米汞柱,舒张压(下值)低于100毫米汞柱,他们可以献血吗.

红十字会建议那些心脏病发作的人等待6个月或更长沙巴足球体育平台, a recent episode of angina, bypass surgery or angioplasty, 或者他们心脏状况的改变导致了药物的改变.

使用血液稀释剂或其他抗凝血或抗血小板药物的人必须在健康检查时披露他们服用的所有药物,因为献血可能对他们有害, as well as the recipients, Flowers said.

底线:对于那些有心脏病的人来说,在献血前咨询一下他们的医疗团队是一个好主意, Flowers said.

Dr. Tochi Okwuosa, 他是芝加哥拉什大学医学中心的心脏病专家和心脏肿瘤学项目主任, said as a general rule of thumb, individuals with a low hemoglobin count should not donate blood. 红十字会要求女性献血者的血红蛋白最低水平为12.5 grams per deciliter, and male donors a minimum of 13 g/dL.

Okwuosa说,这是因为血红蛋白决定了血液的携氧能力. 捐献者可能会冒着没有足够的氧气输送到他们的组织和器官的风险.

这些患有心力衰竭的捐赠者可能会经历一次发作,而患有冠状动脉疾病的捐赠者可能会心脏病发作, Okwuosa said.

有心脏疾病的人在献血后也会感到更加疲劳或呼吸急促, or if they are on diuretics, they may become more dehydrated and fainter, she said.

但对于高血压或高胆固醇控制良好的人来说,献血应该是好的, Okwuosa said.

Ultimately, if you're healthy enough to do so, 献血对每个人都有好处,因为帮助别人会让人感觉很好, she said. "It's just the right thing to do."

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