
一个好消息! 许多人带着低 射血分数 (或EF)已经成功地改进了它.

更好的 心脏衰竭 管理可以导致一个更好的射血分数. By managing your 心脏衰竭 carefully 和 following your treatment plan, you might have fewer symptoms 和 achieve a greater sense of well-being. 作为额外的奖励, you could also see an improvement – or even a recovery – of your heart’s 射血分数. 

射血分数改善或恢复的患者, 作为一个整体, tend to have fewer hospitalizations 和 better overall results.



1. 对话图标Talk with your health care professional about improving your EF.

Your health care professional can help you draft a realistic plan that’s right for you. Ask your health care professional for their recommendations 和 accept the encouragement 和 support of family members or friends who can help you reach your goals.

在你决定下一步行动之前, first discuss the following questions with your health care professional:

  • 我的EF是多少??
  • 为什么我的EF低?它如何影响我的健康?
  • 哪些生活方式的改变或药物可能对我有帮助? 有什么我应该避免的吗?
  • If I track my 心脏衰竭 symptoms, how might that help improve my outcome?
  • 我打算什么时候重新测试我的EF?

2. 治疗图标治疗任何已知的心力衰竭原因.

找出你的心衰是否与一个潜在的原因有明显的联系. Several risk factors are associated with 心脏衰竭, such as 高血压或高血压, 糖尿病代谢综合征. 通过管理这些条件, you might be able to improve your 心脏衰竭 和 your 射血分数.

了解你的计划并仔细执行. 如果你有处方 治疗心力衰竭的药物, 糖尿病, 高血压或其他潜在原因, taking your prescribed medication may also improve your 射血分数. 随着沙巴足球体育平台的推移, 因为药物起作用了, 你的心脏也许能恢复, 加强和表现更好.

3. 移动图标进行适量的体育活动.

体育锻炼对大多数心衰患者都有帮助, 和 some patients who follow an exercise plan see improvements in their EF. Research shows that being active can help people living with 心脏衰竭 by reducing symptoms, improving mood 和 even increasing the heart’s ability to pump blood. If your 心脏衰竭 is stable, 和 you have your doctor’s OK, do what moves you.


  • 考虑心脏康复计划. 它提供了一些独特的好处, 和 you might even be able to join a supervised home-based exercise program. 和你的医疗保健专业人员谈谈,看看你是否符合条件. 探索我们的心脏康复资源.
  • 做20-30分钟的有氧运动. Most HF exercise programs focus on improving your ability to sustain aerobic activity.
  • 探索力量训练. Studies show that some people living with HF benefit from resistance or weight training, 这也有助于提高EF. Be sure to talk with your health care professional before starting 和 go easy on yourself at first.
  • 从走路开始. If you’re just getting started, walking is a good 和 safe way to begin. 这很容易做到,它可能会帮助你学会调整自己的节奏. Your health care professional might do a 6-minute walk test to help measure your improvements over time. You simply start by seeing how far you can walk in one 6-minute session.
  • 以热身和冷却开始和结束. 如果你使用健身追踪器或心率监测器, you could benefit from setting heart rate zones with your health care professional. A brief warm-up 和 cool down can help your body transition smoothly in 和 out of your exercise zone 和 reduce symptoms of dizziness 和/or lightheadedness.

4. 体重图标注意你的体重.

你的体重很重要. Tracking your weight can give you important clues about how well your heart is managing its load.

  • 跟踪并响应体重波动. You might notice patterns that help you respond appropriately to situations before they get worse.
  • 保持健康的体重. A healthy body mass makes it easier for your heart 和 blood vessels to circulate blood 和 manage fluid levels.

5. 盐图标了解你的钠摄入量限制,调节你的液体.

  • 检查你的钠摄入量. 美国人平均每人消费约3杯,每天摄入400毫克钠, which can result in the body holding excess fluids 和 create an added strain on the heart.
  • 遵循钠摄入量建议. 对于大多数心力衰竭患者来说 AHA recommendations of no more than 1,500 milligrams of sodium per day are appropriate, but your treatment plan may have an alternate recommendation. 仔细阅读标签并遵循治疗计划.
  • 发现的方法 帮助你减少饮食中的钠.

6. 避免图标消除有害物质.

  • 戒酒. Alcohol can increase the risk of 心脏衰竭 和 worsen symptoms. By eliminating alcohol, the signs 和 symptoms of 心脏衰竭 often improve.
  • 戒烟. Smoking cigarettes is especially hazardous to people with 心脏衰竭. 发现资源 这可以帮助你永远戒烟.
  • 戒掉任何可卡因或安非他明. These substances are strongly associated with HF 和 should be eliminated to improve your chances for a recovered EF. Do not stop taking any prescribed medications without discussing with your health care professional.

7. 压力图标减轻压力.

  • 关心你的情感健康. Although the correlations between 心脏衰竭 和 stress are unclear, 压力会增加心率和血压, 有两件事会加重心力衰竭症状.
  • 养成减压的习惯. Although we cannot always control what happens to us, we can practice skills for lowering stress. Whether or not stress-reduction has a direct effect on your 射血分数, 开发情感健康的工具永远不会有坏处. 读一些 减轻压力的小窍门 或浏览我们的 支持网络 与他人联系.


尽管个别结果可能有所不同, the efforts you put into improving your heart’s 射血分数 can have additional positive results. You might also discover that you feel better 和 experience fewer symptoms as well. The investment you are making to help yourself recover is your best pathway for taking control of your health.

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下载我们的表格: HF和射血分数解释(PDF) | 西班牙语(PDF)
