

Taking just a few minutes to make a home-cooked dinner for yourself can be more deliciously satisfying — and healthier — than microwaving frozen dinners night after night. And it can be done without a lot of cleanup afterward. The key is to have a few basics stocked in the pantry and the freezer. Here are some must-have meal-builders for fast and healthy meals for one.


Keeping shelf-stable items on-hand means having quick meals at your fingertips, 随时为您准备!

  • 金枪鱼罐头. The 美国心脏协会 recommends eating fish — preferably oily fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids — at least twice a week. Very low sodium canned albacore tuna, packed in water, can help you meet those recommendations. 金枪鱼是三明治制作的经典选择, but try jazzing it up by adding grated carrot, 芹菜, raisins and curry powder as well as replacing the mayo with fat-free or low-fat plain yogurt. 苹果的组合, tuna and a sprinkle of sunflower seeds makes delicious toppings for a green salad. 金枪鱼罐头 can also be stirred into low-sodium pasta sauce along with some chopped bell peppers or chili peppers and paprika for a Spanish sauce. 

  • 罐装豆类. If you have canned 豆子。 in your pantry, you can have a meal in minutes. Make a salad for dinner (or pack it for lunch) with mixed greens, 豆子。, any vegetables you have and a sprinkle of unsalted sunflower seeds. Microwave a sweet potato and puree it with 豆子。 and low-sodium chicken broth for a satisfying soup. 做美味的意大利面酱, sauté 豆子。 in a bit of olive oil with garlic, add low-sodium tomato sauce and serve over whole-grain pasta. Buy no-salt-added or low-sodium canned 豆子。, and rinse and drain them to remove any excess sodium.

  • 全谷物. 糙米是一种很好的食品储藏室主食, 但是试试其他的全麦食品吧, 比如有珍珠的大麦, 高粱, 全麦蒸粗麦粉, 碾碎的干, or whole-grain corn grits to add different flavors and textures to your meals.

  • 番茄罐头. Make a personal pizza with no-salt-added canned diced tomatoes, low-fat mozzarella and fresh vegetables on a whole-wheat pita. Sprinkle with dried oregano and garlic powder. 做墨西哥玉米卷又快又简单, stir together canned diced tomatoes with cumin and chili powder to make a sauce. Then top two stacked corn tortillas with an egg and drizzle with the sauce.


当你做饭的时候, make extra servings so you can freeze them in individual serving containers for heat-and-eat meals. 

  • 意大利面酱. 在周末, make a big batch of homemade red sauce (using no-salt-added tomato products), 香蒜沙司或低脂白酱. Freeze in ice cube trays and then transfer to a resealable plastic freezer bag or airtight container. Reheat the tomato sauce in the microwave or defrost the pesto or white sauce by placing it in a freezer bag and dunking it into hot water. Serve over cooked vegetables or whole-grain pasta. 看看 如何制作自己的番茄酱.
  • 煮熟的全谷物. Because some whole grains take a bit of time to cook, 比如长粒糙米和高粱, try making a batch or two and freezing it in portion-sized containers, so the grains are ready to use when you need them.

  • 自制蔬菜汤. 用胡萝卜和洋葱皮, 西兰花茎, and 芹菜 leaves to make homemade vegetable broth rather than throwing them out. They provide great flavor and help reduce food waste. Make a batch and freeze to use for soups or to replace the water when cooking grains.

  • 汤和辣椒. Store-bought soups can be loaded with sodium, so make a batch at home and season with salt-free spices and fresh or dried herbs.  





