
woman in ripped jeans eating salad

Losing weight can be a frustrating experience if you feel hungry all the time. Did you know you can curb your appetite — 和 your frustration with weight-loss efforts — by increasing the amount of fiber you eat?

High-fiber foods may help you lose weight by helping you feel full on fewer calories. A 健康的饮食习惯 of lower-calorie foods 和 regular physical activity are your best strategies to achieve a healthy weight – 和 maintain it.

The scoop on hunger 和 satisfaction

How full you feel depends on several factors:

  • 你多久吃一次饭?
  • 你吃多少?
  • What type of food you choose
  • When your brain tells your body that it’s had enough food.


High-fiber foods often require more chewing 和 may take longer for your stomach to digest. This can help your body recognize that it is full before you start eating more. Diets rich in whole grains 和 fiber have been associated with better quality diets 和 decreased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Finding fiber — Get the skinny

水果, 蔬菜, 豆子。, whole grains 和 leafy greens are some of your best bets for higher-fiber foods. Eating a variety of fruits 和 蔬菜 may help you control your weight, cholesterol 和 blood pressure. The American Heart Association recommends eating a diet rich in fruits, 蔬菜 和 whole grains.

Which lunch is lower in sodium 和 saturated fat?


Look at these two lunch choices. On the left: a fried chicken s和wich on white bread with a shake. On the right: a turkey 和 veggie s和wich on whole-grain bread with a blended fruit smoothie. Which is healthier 和 better for weight loss? The turkey s和wich 和 the smoothie are – 和 they prove you don’t have to sacrifice taste when you eat healthier. Better choices made consistently over time can lower your weight 和 improve your health.


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