
Americans consume far too much sodium — about 3,500 milligrams daily. The 美国心脏协会 recommends no more than 2,300 mg a day 和 moving toward an ideal limit of no more than 1,500 mg per day for most adults.

Because the average American eats so much excess sodium, 甚至削减1,000 milligrams a day can significantly improve blood pressure 和 heart health.

Keep in mind that more than 70% of the sodium Americans eat comes from packaged, prepared 和 restaurant foods — not the salt shaker.

Most of us are probably underestimating how much sodium we eat. Moderating sodium in our daily diet is part of following an 整体健康饮食模式.

How can I tell how much sodium I’m eating?

Look at the 营养成分标签 on the side or back of a food package to find the amount of sodium in just one serving of the food you eat, 以毫克计. 顶部 营养成分标签 lists the number of servings in the package as well as the nutritional content of the food per serving.

A list of all ingredients in the food is found separately on the package. Check this list for words like “sodium,” “salt” 和 “soda.” The total sodium shown on the 营养成分标签 includes the sodium from salt, plus the sodium from any other sodium-containing ingredient in the product. 例如, this includes preservative ingredients such as sodium nitrate, 柠檬酸钠, monosodium glutamate (MSG) or sodium benzoate.

Remember to take note of the serving size on the 营养成分标签. If your portion size equals two servings of a product, then you’re actually eating twice the sodium listed. 

钠-related terms you may see on food packages:

  • /含钠盐 — Less than 5 milligrams of sodium per serving
  • 钠含量极低   每份35毫克或更少
  • 低钠 每份不超过140毫克
  • 减少钠 — At least 25% less sodium per serving than the item’s usual sodium level
  • 少量钠或少量盐 — At least 50% less sodium than the regular product
  • 不加盐或不加盐 — No salt is added during processing, but these products may not be salt/sodium-free unless stated

Remember: 钠 levels vary in the same foods depending on the br和 or restaurant.

Keeping a daily tally of how much sodium you consume can guide you to better choices. Sometimes a small adjustment can bring big results for your health. 


It’s unlikely that you’re not getting enough sodium in your diet. And there’s no reliable evidence that eating less than 1,500 mg per day of sodium is a risk for the general population.

The body needs only a small amount of sodium (less than 500 mg per day) to function properly. That’s a mere smidgen — the amount in less than 1/4 teaspoon. Very few people come close to eating less than that amount. Plus, healthy kidneys are great at retaining the sodium that your body needs.

指导方针减少到1,500 mg of sodium daily may not apply to people who lose big amounts of sodium in sweat, 像竞技运动员一样, 和 workers exposed to major heat stress, such as foundry workers 和 firefighters, or to those directed otherwise by their health care  team. There is some evidence that it could be harmful to certain patients with 充血性心力衰竭.

If you have medical conditions or other special dietary needs or restrictions, follow the advice of a qualified health care professional.





